Giza North Project – Turbines

This Case Study is for Transporting 4 Generators & 4 Turbines of weight 218 & 278 tons from Dkheila port up to Giza North power station.

Gabal el Zeet Wind Farm Project

ETAL had the opportunity to transport the blades and the hubs of Gabal el Zeet wind farm. The blades are 37.50 tons each with dimensions 40.5 m x 4.22 m x 3.00 m and the hubs are 24.00 tons each with dimensions 4.00 m x 3.50 m x 3.50 m.

Giza North Project – Transformers

Six transformers of weight 146.5 ton each with dimensions 7.42 m x 4.31 m x 5.10 m had been transported from Adabiya port up to the site location at El Khatateba. The transportation operation had been done using different means of transportation to avoid crossing over the Ring Road bridges as the axial load was exceeding the Permissible.